Thursday, February 23, 2006

More Great Quotes From My Cellphone's Inbox

  • An interview with God…
    Man: What surprises you most about humankind?
    God: That they get bored with childhood, they rush 2 grow up…& then long to be children again. That they loose their health to make money and then loose their money to restore their health…That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future…That they live as if they will never die and die as thought they had never lived…How true, something to think about…=)
  • The GOD we meet in GOOD TIMES is the same we meet in HARD TIMES. May the LORD REFRESH us and give us STRENGHT as we FACE new challenges EVERYDAY!!!
  • The Israelites saw Goliath and said: “He’s so big, we can’t win.” David saw Goliath and said: “He’s so big, I can’t miss.” Faith Prevails!
  • The Happiest pe(‘..’)ple don’t have EVERYTHING in LiFe. They just make the BEST of EVERYTHING God provides! STAY PAPPY! c’,) God LovEs You!
  • No matter how softly we pray.. God listens and understands. He knows the hopes and fears we keep in our hearts… for when we trust in his love…Miracles happen!
  • When you make choices, follow God, not your own way. For if your own way fails, you regret, but with God, you can smile and say…HE KNOWS BEST!:)
  • It is in loving, not in being loved, the heart finds its quest; it is in giving, not in getting that our lives are blessed. Keep on loving. God bless your day!
  • A BEAUTIFUL LIFE does not just happen. It is built DAILY in PRAYER, HUMILITY, SACRIFICE & LOVE. May that BEAUTIFUL LIFE be yours today & always.
  • To have GOD in our lives does not mean sailing on a boat with no storms; rather it means having a boat that no storm could sink! Happy sailing w/GOD everyday!
  • People may not reward or thank you for your actions, but when CHRIST is your reason for SERVING, you receive an even greater blessing in RETURN. God Bless You!

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