Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Post Ideas

Sorry I haven't been posting much for the last month. I hope that I'll start coming up with more posts sometime soon, but if anyone has something they would like to know about, or some kinds of pictures they would like to see, feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments on this post or any other way you want to give them to me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

UN conducted a survey on: "Would you please give your honest opinion about shortage of food in the rest of the world?" The survey failed because: In Africa the people didn not know what "food" was. In China they did not know what "opinion" was. In Europe they did not know what "shortage" was. Filipino leaders interviewed didn't know what "honest" meant. France didn't know what "please" was. In America they did not know what "the rest of the world" meant.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Animal and Other Sounds in Kalanguya

dog(aho): "huuuhuhuhuhu"
puppy: "herererer"
cat(kating): "ngiyaw"
cow(baka): "nga"
bird(titit): "weet weet weet weet"
rooster(paltan): "O O O Ok"
sneezing(ba-kih): "ha-ching"
something juicy hitting a hard surface(napaplak): "plak"

TONGUE TWISTER (I haden't heard this one before)

A Tutor who tooted the flute,
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot!!!
Said the two to the tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Define AGONY:

It's like a one armed man hanging at the edge of a cliff by his only arm with his butt devastatingly itchy.

Define DOOM:

He scratched it..