Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Room- A Sonnet

[I admit this is a little silly, but I wrote it after coming back to our room in the province after being away for more than a month. The events in it our true, but don't worry, it's not usually that bad in there.]

A hungry gecko gazed with envy, smug,

At greedy daddy longleg spiders. All

Were sucking tasty big mosquitoes’ blood

In giant webs that graced the corner wall.

A thousand tiny aunts were marching down

To drink my tea and eat my mango; bite

When I am lying down. A sudden sound-

A little mouse was dashing out of sight.

At night, an eerie noise: a crash, a shrill

‘He! He!’ The mouse, perhaps, but strangely loud.

A scuffle, thud, and yes, my husband killed

A rat, not mouse, and wrapped it in a shroud.

Tomorrow let’s go squish the aunts and slug

The mouse. And let the geckos swallow bugs.


  1. I LOVE this poem. Especially the line

    My husband killed.

    I felt so bad for Bob (hehehe) until I read the next line. Then I felt bad for the rat.

  2. Thanks. The rat was really big:( so I'm glad he killed it.

  3. that's a very well-written funny poem! :-) I didn't know it's that strange (for lack of a more appropiate word) down there.

  4. Hehehehe... Hope the shock wore off. Hey, the rats in Anahaw are bigger :p

  5. ganda,
    Thanks. Well, I tried to kill the aunts, and they seem to be taking revenge by biting me more than usual:(. R and M put a trap out for the rats, but caught 3 geckos instead. B freed them and put them outside, but the chickens ate them :(.

    Thanks, too. Yea, at least the rats are more normal sized here. I remember the rat that wandered into our house! I'd never seen one that big before.
