Friday, June 15, 2007

Health Education Alliance for Life and Longevity

The title above links to an article about coconut oil, which talks about how coconut oil increases the metabolism etc., and how soy and corn oil lower the metabolism. In fact, it remarks that soy and corn are used as a cheap way to fatten cattle. When they tried to do the same with coconut oil, the animals became lean and hungry. (I wonder if coconut oil has something to do with my increased metabolism after I came to the Philippines. It used to be slow, but now it's very fast, and coconut oil seems to be the most common oil used here.)

The articles on this website, written by educated researchers in the area as far as I can tell, also overview the politics used by manufactures to promote margarine and hydrogenated unsaturated oils even though people did not have heart problems when butter and animal fat were mainly used (and "no trans fat" margarine also has an unhealthy type of fat in it). It notes that unsaturated fats cause the skin to age faster and are given to organ transplant patients to suppress their immune systems. The author of at least one of the articles thinks that unsaturated fats also cause cancer, with the exception of olive oil, which has more anti oxidants in it to prevent it from causing problems.

One more interesting thing is that an article on this website shows that no conclusive evidence has been found to show that cholesterol causes heart disease. In fact, it explains that extra cholesterol is present in people with heart problems because it functions to help protect the heart. One or two studies did find a link between too low of cholesterol and accidents, strokes, and cancer. So...if it is too high, it indicates a heart problem...the article says that beef tallow and coconut oil lower cholesterol, and eating sweet fruits raises it....

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