Monday, March 03, 2008

My Graduate Testimony

I'm graduating on April 6, 2008!!! The following is my "graduate's testimony" that will be put into the yearbook (I hope the editor won't change it):

M.A. in Applied Linguistics

I was motivated to go to AGS because of my desire to be a missionary and to learn about and understand other cultures. I had been taking Applied Linguistics at ACTS Seminaries/Canadian Institute of Linguistics. I enjoyed the summer session and the year that I spent in Canada, except for the cold weather and constant rain from fall to spring, and thought that ACTS/CanIL was great school and had high academic standards, which I appreciated. But I thought it would be valuable to spend time in a more foreign country (Canada is almost just like the US), and transferred to AGS.

After I graduate, I plan to do several things. One is to take up further studies in Applied Linguistics, especially in the area of grammar, my primary linguistic interest, either formally or through self-study. Another is to study nutrition in a graduate school. Nutrition is my primary interest overall, and God must have given that interest to me so that it can be one of my ministries when I become a missionary. Of course, another of my plans is to become a missionary, write down an unwritten language and make a grammar for it, and do something in the area of nutrition. Finally, because I like writing (and editing), I plan to improve my skills in that area and hope to write novels, biographies, articles for magazines etc.

I’m currently waiting to go back to the US to work and raise support for a year or two with my husband. We plan to come back to the Philippines to mobilize and strengthen his people, the Kalanguya, for a few years, then go as to another country in South East Asia or whatever part of the world God will put into our hearts.

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