Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Dream: A Line To Death By Junk Food

I had a dream a long time ago, maybe when I was sixteen, but I still remember it very well. I didn’t know much about nutrition and health when I had the dream. I’ve added my interpretation at the end.

I saw a television hanging from the ceiling flashing colorful pictures of all kinds of junk food so quickly that my eye could only catch some of the images. A voice was explaining that all of the children in the nation had to be put to death because they ate junk food and it had been decided that junk food must not exist anymore. I think I was surprised and confused when I heard that in my dream. I went to the place where children were sitting on four seats along the wall. The seats were going up and down alternatively. Children were sitting on them and lined up behind them. Whenever the child on the first seat was taken to be killed, everyone would move up. I sat down on the forth seat, then moved up to the third seat. Suddenly I thought, “Wait a minute! I’m not just going to let myself be killed!”

I then ran out of that building and into another where several of the older people from church were standing. One of them asked in an alarmed voice, “You’re not going to be put to death, too, are you?”

I replied that I was trying to hide, and hoped that I wouldn’t be. I wasn’t sure it would be safe there, and ran out to my car, slouched down into the driver’s seat, and put a blanket over me. I soon realized that no one was after me, and no one would come to take me to be put to death. The only way I would be killed would be if I were to go back and stand in the line to die.

Now, after this dream has rolled around in my head for several years, I think that its overall moral is that it’s dumb to do something that we know could harm us. This is an obvious truth, but it must be one of the hardest to follow. In my dream, we were like cattle lining up to be slaughtered, and it must be almost the same when we do things that hurt ourselves or have bad consequences. The problem is, if we aren’t aware that something is bad for us, think that we have no choice but to go along with it and reap the consequences like everyone else, or prefer short-term happiness over long-term joy and success, then we will never be aware of how free we are to choose a different path. I didn't know I could choose to live rather than to die until after I ran.

It seems that this was specifically applied to junk food in my dream. If junk food harms us, as in this dream, then eating it all the time could be like standing in the line to be put to death, or at least to develop poor health, get sick, contract a disease, or develop a nutritional deficiency. I eat junk food, too, but not nearly as much as I did before I was more aware of the connection between nutrition and health, and I’m going to start eating even less of it now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    i like this post. many people still eat junk food (like me and trying my very best to avoid these days) even when it has its label "drink moderately":) "smoking is dangerous to your health" etc....and you are true, this is where we exercise our freedom but it is sad that it leads to destruction:) and not for the better.
