Monday, August 13, 2007

on a new overpass in Metro Manila


  1. panhangga kali!:)

  2. Esther, were are the cars and buses? It seems strange to see the street so deserted. On my next visit, I'll have to go to church with you. By then, you will probably be living in Bambang. Dad

  3. Hi Esther, did they remove the wires blocking the stairs of this overpass? Or do you still have to go over it everytime? =)


  4. Hi Daphne, they finally removed the wires. I hated having to duck under and step over them before. Now they have them going through the cement or high enough to not worry about bumping into them:).

  5. Hi, Dad, I don't know what happened to all the cars and people who were on the street. I thought the street was very busy right then. But when I took the picture, everyone seemed to disappear:-).
