Tuesday, April 10, 2007


(I don't want to post a lot of wedding pictures until we get the ones that our two photographers took, but this one was taken just before my Dad marched out with me.)
On April 7, 2007, as we had planned, Bob and I got married. My Dad was there to give me away, as you can see from this picture:-). It really means a lot to me that he came. It was his first flight, and first time being outside of North America, which was a big step for him to take. He said it ended up not bothering him to fly (other than the long trip, about 20 hours), and he liked looking out the window. He hasn't even had much trouble sleeping at night, and stayed on about the same sleeping schedule that he had at home. He's doing well, and enjoying some of the things he's gotten to see.
The wedding actually started about 9:30 because we had to wait for the ministers, who were late. In the meantime, no one had brought the unity candles, and one of Bob's nieces ran to find some. She broke one of her sandals in the process, and had to change her dress as a consequence, but she found candles in time for the ceremony.
The ceremony went pretty smoothly. My sister was the maid of honor. I was also very glad that she could come. She's really been enjoying her time in the Philippines, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, her son "buggy boy" got sick, and her husband (a Korean man) stayed home with him in Korea. Because we had two extra tickets, one of Bob's friends Mike from Australia (and mine also, though I didn't know him quite as well as Bob before) happened to come. It turned out to be a great blessing for us to have him with us a few days early. He became our voluntary wedding coordinator, and helped us to remember what we needed to do and to finish organizing things. He even took charge of the rehearsal for us.
There were about 200 or more people at the ceremony, and about 600 all together at the reception. It's good we planned for about 600 so that we didn't run out of food. I heard them slaughtering one of the pigs the night before:-( for the feast. I can write some more about our wedding later, and post the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. /congratulations you two. Wish I could have been there. Thinking about you though.

    Hope "Buggy" has a speedy recovery.
